This is how we work - efficient QA processes for digital excellence Learn more
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Testing Area

This is how we work


We work closely with your development team to quickly provide valuable feedback that directly improves the quality of development and saves both time and money.


At Appmatics, we pursue a comprehensive quality strategy in which testing plays a central role. Based on the experience of over 200 projects, we have established a procedure to allow the necessary space for quality in your project as well.


Transparency from the beginning

To start the collaboration, we schedule an onboarding meeting with you and your team. During this meeting, we get to know the operational parties and clarify the common testing process, how we will share results and how we will communicate. Based on your timeline or milestones, we create a customized testing roadmap that fits best into your development cycles. We also share information about the use cases and your users so that we can create the right test setup. To realize the full potential of testing, we recommend discussing the following points:

  • App distribution
    • MS App Center

    • Testflight

    • Google Play Store Developer Console

    • Crashlytics

    • You can also provide us directly with the .apk or .ipa files.

  • Communication tool

    We are happy to use your preferred communication channel, e.g.

    • Mail and telephone
    • Slack
    • MS Teams
    • Webex Teams
  • Bug tracker

    We connect to your bug tracker, and enable smooth collaboration with your development team.

    • Jira
    • Redmine
    • Asana
    • GitLab
    • Azure Dev Ops
    • Mantis
  • Analytics data about used devices

    We use your results from e.g. Google Analytics to design the optimal device setup for your customers.

  • Timeline
    • Depending on your product roadmap, we will create a test course based on your development work and the associated releases

    • We give you advice on which type of test is appropriate for the situation, depending on the sprints or milestones.


Test planning

Dynamic test planning

When and how to test depends on many factors. Especially in long-term cooperation, it makes sense to plan the tests - even when using agile development methods. Although this planning can also be done on a time basis, it is usually based on milestones. These define how extensive a test should be and which type of test should be used. In this way, the topic of quality assurance is given a higher priority and integrated into every development step, so that errors can be identified and eliminated at an early phase. On the base of this planning, the cooperation can start, the necessary information can be shared and the tests can be realised.


User Experience

Device Setup

Individual device setup

Based on new releases and market data, our device stack is continuously updated and adapted. This allows us to offer you a device selection with which we can map up to 85% of your target group. If there is already data on devices used from the stores or analytics tools, we can use this as the foundation for the test setup. Otherwise, we will be happy to advise you on the selection of suitable devices from our device pool of over 150 smartphones, tablets and wearables as well as over 1000 device-browser combinations.


Test plan creation

Test plans for maximum coverage

The key to a successful test are test plans with the highest possible coverage of the user stories. With the help of user stories, specifications, wireframes, designs or draft versions, we create detailed test plans. These serve as the base for guided testing and lead testers through all functions of the app or website. Our test plans not only cover the happy path, but also check the software consciously for how it deals with incorrect data. This is completed by edge cases that are meant to map the use in the real usage environment, e.g. poor connectivity, incoming push notifications from other apps, etc.
Data science


In-house testing by experts

The testing of apps and websites on our real devices is based on the previous steps. The testers use the devices in our office and cover all necessary OS and browser versions. We ensure that the quality is not only guaranteed for users of new devices, but also for older operating systems or browser versions. The devices of a test run are constantly exchanged: If an error occurs on a certain OS version, further devices with the same OS version are added. Our goal is to identify the cause as precisely as possible so that we can make it easier for developers to find the cause of the error.

Bugs that are identified are then reported in the portal in bug ticket form. Again, we try to make the work as easy as possible for the developers and to provide a realistic assessment of the severity of bugs. The tickets can then be easily exported from our portal to your bug tracker or project management tool.

Remote work


Bugs directly in your bug tracker

The Test Run is completed with a report, which we make available to you in the form of a PDF. This summarises the results of the test run and provides an overview of the distribution of the issues found and their criticality. In addition, we transfer all bug tickets found to your bug tracker on request. In this way, the bugs can be prioritised and processed in the same way as user stories. If you don't use a bug tracker, you can access our portal, adjust the status there or send queries directly to the testers.



Continuous improvement

After our testing, we arrange a retro meeting, which is based on the Scrum Retro. Here, the results of the testing can be discussed again in detail and any queries from the development team can be clarified. The retro also includes the exchange of feedback on the app, the test environment and the tickets. This is taken into consideration in the further course of the collaboration and included in the further test planning, so that the testing becomes better and more efficient from test run to test run and the testing becomes more and more connected with the development.


Does our way of working suit you?

If our approach resonates with you, let's connect for a consultation.