This is how we work - efficient QA processes for digital excellence Learn more

Who we are

Diverse CVs, multifaceted personalities
and a lot of power.

Welcome to Appmatics

You may be wondering what defines our team at Appmatics and what you should know about us. Below you will find the most important facts and figures about us - and maybe soon your future team.
is our founding year
great colleagues are working
in our team
is our
average age



Colorful (educational)

IT, business studies, educational studies, cultural studies, architecture, social sciences, linguistics or sports science? No matter whether it's a degree, apprenticeship or other qualifications: everything is represented in our team. These are our top 5.

👩‍💻 Computer Science, Business Informatics, Data Science & Co.

🎙️ Cultural studies, media & communication      

🤖 Engineering sciences

📈 Economic sciences

👨‍🏫 Teaching post



We love Events

Everybody can organize team events, summer parties and Christmas parties. We give our team the opportunity to organize their own events, which we subsidize with €15 per person. This results in an average of 4 great events per month. Our favorites are these:

♟️ Chess tournament

🎨 Drink & Paint  

🏎️ Mario Kart tournament

⚽️ Kickerturnier

❓ Quiz Night

🧘🏻‍♀️ Meditation classes


You are interested in more insights about us and our daily work? Just check out our Instsgram profile:  @appmatics

Team values

We are convinced that a company only works if its employees feel great. The team comes first! This is exactly what our values represent.

You can identify with them?
Just apply now  


We are open to questions and feedback from all our colleagues, regardless of the position. We help when help is needed.


Transparent and constructive
We address feedback in a direct and objective exchange to find together the best solution.


We are one team and aim to make everyone feel comfortable with us. That's why we take care of the well-being of our colleagues and always ensure good vibes.

You can look forward to 

These benefits are available to you in our team


Office first - remote friendly
Design office in Cologne-Ehrenfeld & flexible home office days.  


Urban Sports
For an active balance besides your workday. 


30 vacation days
Working without enough recovery is like launching an app without testing.


Free choice of hardware
To let you work the way you want.


2000 € training budget
We support you and your development.


Portafilter coffee & snack bar
The best foundation for your working day. 


Regulary feedback
To grow together.    


Swapfiets & internal bike workshop
Staying mobile with your bike. 



Here we work -
your new workplace?

An open office and separate rooms for each team, retreats, modern equipment and height-adjustable desks, a portafilter machine and places to get together. We've got something for everyone here!

Appmatics GmbH
Wilhelm-Mauser-Straße 14-16
50827 Köln

Unsere Abteilungen

Manuelles Testing

Manuelles Testing
Wirke aktiv an der Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit der digitalen Produkte (Apps, Websites, Anwendungen & IoT) unserer Kund*innen mit. Genauigkeit, kritisches Denken und die Fähigkeit, Systeme und Produkte gründlich zu überprüfen sind dein Ding? Dann bist du hier genau richtig.

Test Automatisierung

Test Automatisierung
Optimiere die Effizienz und Qualität der digitalen Produkte unserer Kund*innen durch automatisierte Testlösungen.
Du hast technisches Geschick, Programmierkenntnisse und Leidenschaft für die Automatisierung von Testschlüsselkomponenten? Dann bist du hier genau richtig.


Gestalte und optimiere die Nutzungserfahrung und das Design der digitalen Produkte unserer Kund*innen. Du hast ein geschultes Auge fürs Detail, Identifizierung von UX-Optimierungspotenzialen und strebst nach einer nahtlosen, benutzerfreundlichen Interaktion und Designs? Dann bist du hier genau richtig.

QA Consulting

QA Consulting
Entwickle für verschiedene QA-Fragestellungen und Probleme maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für den Erfolg unserer Kund*innen.
Du hast eine analytische Denkweise, Kommunikationsstärke und die Fähigkeit, individuelle Lösungen zu entwickeln? Dann bist du hier genau richtig.


Betreue unsere Bestandskund*innen als Ansprechpartner*in und führe als Schnittstelle mit unseren operativen QA-Teams erfolgreich die Testing Projekte durch. D
u hast gute Kommunikationsfähigkeiten, verstehst es komplexe Projekte zu steuern und bist ein Organisationstalent? Dann bist du hier genau richtig.


Maximiere unseren Unternehmenserfolg durch das Finden und Begeistern von Neukund*innen und den Aufbau nachhaltiger Beziehungen.
Du besitzt Überzeugungskraft, Kommunikationsgeschick und Begeisterung für unsere Kund*innen und Dienstleistungen? Dann bist du hier genau richtig.


Gestalte unsere Appmatics Brand und steigere unsere Markenbekanntheit.
Du hast große Kreativität, den Blick fürs Detail und die Fähigkeit, Inhalte spannend und ansprechend herüberzubringen? Dann bist du hier genau richtig.


Entwickle Ideen, neue Produkte und Dienstleistungen für unser bestehendes Produktportfolio und begleite den gesamten Prozess von Design, Prototyping bis hin zur Umsetzung.
Du brennst für Innovationen, bist ein Organisationstalent und liebst es Teams, Prozesse und Produkte voranzubringen? Dann bist du hier genau richtig.

People & Culture

People & Culture
Finde neue Talente, fördere unsere Kolleg*innen und schaffe eine inspirierende Unternehmenskultur.
Du besitzt eine hohe Empathie, Kommunikationsfähigkeit, einen Blick für Talente und Leidenschaft für Mitarbeitenden-Entwicklung und Teamzusammenarbeit? Dann bist du hier genau richtig.


Unterstütze unsere finanziellen Prozesse und fördere zahlenbasierte Wachstumsstrategien.
Präzision, analytisches Denken und die Fähigkeit, komplexe finanzielle Zusammenhänge zu verstehen und zu steuern sind deine Passion? Dann bist du hier genau richtig.


Our departments

These areas are part of Appmatics: 

  Manual Testing
  Test automation
  QA Consulting
 Project Management
 Product Management
  People & Culture

Manual testing 
Take an active role in maintaining the quality and reliability of our customers' digital products (apps, websites, applications & IoT) Accuracy, critical thinking and the ability to thoroughly check systems and products are your thing? Then you're right here.

Test automation
Optimize the efficiency and quality of our customers' digital products through automated test solutions.
You have technical skills, programming knowledge and a passion for automating key test components? Then you're right here.

Create and optimize the user experience and design of the digital products of our customers. You have a trained eye for detail, can identify UX optimization potential and strive for seamless, user-friendly interaction and designs? Then you're right here.

QA Consulting
Develop customized solutions for various QA questions and problems for the success of our customers.
You have an analytical mindset, strong communication skills and the ability to develop individual solutions? Then you're right here. 

Project management
Support our customer as their contact person and manage the testing projects as an interface to our operational QA teams. You have good communication skills, know how to manage complex projects and have a talent for organization? Then you're right here.

Maximize our company's success by finding and inspiring new customers and building strong relationships. You're persuasive, communicative and enthusiastic about our customers and services? Then you're right here.

Shape our Appmatics brand and increase our brand awareness. You are creative, have an eye for detail and the ability to convey content in an exciting and appealing way? Then you're right here.

Product management
Develop ideas, new products and services for our existing product portfolio and accompany the entire process from design and prototyping up to implementation. You're passionate about innovation, have a talent for organization and love to drive teams, processes and products forward? Then you're right here.

People & Culture
Find new talents, support our colleagues and create an inspiring corporate culture. You have a high level of empathy, communication skills, an eye for talent and a passion for employee development and team collaboration? Then you're right here.

Support our financial processes and promote number-based growth strategies. You are passionate about precision, analytical thinking and the ability to understand and manage complex financial relationships? Then you're right here.

Are you ready to become a part of our team?

Here you can find our current vacancies. We also welcome unsolicited applications. 


Senior Testautomation Engineer

„As a Senior Test Automation Engineer, I take care of the organization and implementation of projects. The digital world is constantly evolving, so we have to keep up with the times. Researching new tools and frameworks is also a lot of fun - especially when it works ;).

However, at the heart of everything is still testing and that's exactly how my path at Appmatics started more than 5 years ago. As a working student, I was able to develop a feel for testing as well as the tools that QA people work with on a daily basis. Every day I realized that QA and later test automation was the right path for me.

Ultimately, Appmatics helped me to grow enormously both professionally and personally, despite my idiosyncrasies."

What Kubilay likes about his job
🤝 Wonderful team
🧩 Coordination and collaboration in the team with various colleagues
🔗  Project organization & various technical aspects within the role

Marketing student trainee

Marketing student trainee

One of my highlights here is our beautiful Appmatics kitchen, which mutates into a huge shared kitchen or almost a canteen every day from around 2 pm. While one person is warming up their canned ravioli, another is putting their spaghetti and feta cherry tomato casserole in the oven, three others are putting together the wildest pizza combinations. I've definitely seen the wildest dishes (it's better to call them "food combinations") in our Appmatics kitchen! Number 1 of the dishes I'll never forget: 5-minute pasta terrine on a pizza margherita."

What Tina likes about her job
🔃 Varied tasks
🪢 Working closely with the team
💡 Diverse insights into and collaboration with other departments

VORLAGE - Recruting - Zitat-2

App testing student trainee

„When I was looking for a student job in October 2021, I became aware of Appmatics through a large-scale poster campaign in Cologne and immediately applied because it sounded very cool.

From the first special tests to managing a desk in testing projects, there was a lot of exciting growth that I was able to be a part of. My personal highlight in the work context was looking after our trade fair stand at DMEXCO 2023. Another highlight was the onsite testing with an accessibility aspect of a public transport app.

Beyond that, my personal highlight is of course winning the last Quiz Night (one of our after-work events) with two of my colleagues."

What Markus likes about his job
🤩  Exciting projects with well-known clients
💪 Opportunity to get actively involved in different fields of work
🥳 Regular after-work events


Account Executive

„"After studying business administration, I left Münster and started gaining sales experience in Cologne. After three and a half years on the job, my friend Jonathan told me about Appmatics and suggested that I apply because Appmatics was a dynamic and smart company. No sooner said than done. Today, I have been working as an Account Executive at Appmatics for over six months.

My highlights so far: Being picked up by our Team Lead Carlo for the Christmas party in a mega limousine and the bowling evening with everyone in our so-called "engine room" (Sales, Marketing, Consulting & Product). And even without special events, there's always a great atmosphere in the machine room, not least thanks to Carlo's jokes and Jonathan's flat jokes."

What Katharina likes about her job
🪢 Maintaining relationships with our customers
👐 Constant contact with exciting new companies and contacts
📈 Realizing a wide variety of projects together with the entire team

Patrick QA Consultant

QA Consultant

My journey to Appmatics started during my studies of computer science with a focus on game development. I started as a working student in the manual testing department. After more than three years working on over 100 QA projects in roles such as Test Lead, Test Analyst and Test Manager, I was offered the opportunity to go through a traineeship in consulting. During this time, Jonathan and I also started to build up the new QA consulting area. After completing the traineeship, I joined as a QA Associate Consultant.

My responsibilities range from sales support and customer onboarding to participating in kick-off workshops, analyzing and developing individual strategies and implementing proposed measures."

What Patrick likes about his job
📲 Supporting customers from various industries in their digital transformation
⚓️ Deeply rooted cohesion in the corporate culture
🙌 Strong focus on modern working conditions, team events & further training opportunities

Marc Junior Project Manager

Junior Project Manager

"In the final stages of my studies, I realized that I wanted to get into project management in Cologne and came across Appmatics via LinkedIn. I contacted Vanessa directly and she offered me an initial interview without any obligation. Without mentioning a specific position, she answered my questions openly and honestly and her manner made her stick in my mind. Months later, when graduation was in sight, I saw the advertised position and applied immediately - and less than 6 hours later I received a call from Vanessa with an invitation for a first interview. This atmosphere convinced me back then and is confirmed every day in our office culture. Today, I've fully arrived at Appmatics in project management, I'm able to support customers with their testing concerns and plan the collaboration with them."

What Marc likes about his job
🤩 Supporting a wide variety of projects & customers
🆕 The variety of tasks and being able to experience something new every day
😇 Office culture & atmosphere

...Still got some questions? We're glad to help you.

If you haven't found what you're looking for in the FAQ and have further questions about the application process, a position or working at Appmatics, please contact our Talent Acquisition Team. We look forward to hearing from you.
