E-Commerce-Shop auf einem Bildschirm


E-Commerce Testing

As diverse as your target group. We ensure the success of your online store through targeted testing.


Take your e-commerce business 
to the next level 

With professional e-commerce testing for maximum quality and performance

In a highly competitive market, an outstanding customer experience is crucial. We support you with targeted testing to develop a user-friendly and scalable platform that meets the needs of your growing business.

Whether you want to open up new markets, optimize your online store or create a seamless multi-channel experience, our QA services cover every stage of the customer journey.

With our extensive experience in e-commerce, we know what is important. We guide you through every step of the quality assurance process to ensure your store meets the requirements of today and tomorrow. Our cross-channel testing strategy and in-depth understanding of your target group will help turn your vision into digital reality.

Someone buys online with a credit card


Testbare Microservices wie Kundendaten, Warenkorb, Zahlungsabwicklung, Retouren und Umtausch, Checkout, Versand und Produktkatalog


E-Commerce Testing:

Quality and performance for the entire customer journey  

Smooth shopping experience through quality assurance
By integrating our Quality Assurance (QA) into development processes, we ensure that your online store offers a seamless shopping experience on all channels and devices at all times. Through comprehensive e-commerce testing, we ensure the quality of your platform throughout the entire customer journey - from the first interaction to the successful completion of the purchase.

Customized QA services for optimal performance
Our QA methods combine functional and non-functional tests to ensure the core functions, scalability and performance of your store. We take into account the complex requirements of e-commerce, where numerous microservices need to work together seamlessly. Our multi-channel testing ensures that all interactions - whether via advertising, web store or app - function smoothly. We also support you with internationalization and ensure that your platform remains stable even with increasing traffic.



In groß angelegten Werbekampagnen stellt Migros regelmäßig saisonale Angebote bereit. Die digitalen Plattformen des Handelsunternehmens müssen in diesen Zeiträumen deutlich mehr Traffic standhalten. Im Schnitt wird das System der Migros Webseiten einmal monatlich durch Last- und Performance-Tests geprüft, um Systemausfälle zu vermeiden. 

Zur Case Study

Smartphone shows user rating system


GUI Testing

Focus on customer experience

Your customers expect seamless and consistent experiences across all channels and devices. Improving the user experience (UX) has a direct impact on the customer experience (CX). We help you with this through testing - from look & feel and coherent usability to fast and reliable performance. Whether in the web store or in the app - through agile testing and the adaptation of our QA teams, we ensure that your app or website is perfectly tailored to the needs of your target group.  


Load and performance testing

Shopping experience without interruptions

Your online store must be able to withstand fluctuations in visitor traffic, even with high traffic during promotions, Black Friday or seasonal discount campaigns and events. With load and performance testing and intelligent monitoring, we enable your online store to manage peak loads efficiently and ensure availability without having to reserve excessive resources. We identify scaling bottlenecks at an early stage and thus help to maintain performance even under high loads. Constant availability and smooth processes are essential for sales and customer satisfaction. With our approach, we ensure that your e-commerce system runs reliably at all times and that the shopping experience remains uninterrupted.


Laptop shows website and shopping bags


iPad with e-commerce system and cogwheel


Integration Testing

Integration Testing: Modern solutions for modern e-commerce systems

Complex e-commerce platforms consist of numerous microservices and technologies that need to work together to provide the optimal customer experience. We support you with comprehensive API and integration testing to ensure the smooth functionality of your systems. From end-to-end testing to risk-based testing, we ensure that all services work seamlessly together. Our experienced QA teams work closely with the development teams and handle communication between departments to eliminate sources of error at an early stage. This keeps your platform scalable, flexible and ready for new challenges at any time - without compromising on quality.


E-Commerce architectures

Tools and systems for 
smooth e-commerce testing 

Behind modern e-commerce platforms is a complex architecture consisting of microservices and various internal and external services. The challenge: these systems have to work together seamlessly without users noticing the complexity in the background. With our extensive expertise in testing proven commerce tools and content management systems, we support you throughout the entire software development process with quality assurance. 

Our testing methods are optimally aligned with the requirements of the MACH architecture: By using state-of-the-art tools for API-first, cloud-native and headless architectures, we offer maximum flexibility and scalability for your e-commerce system. Our tried-and-tested testing tools and methods ensure the flawless functionality of your platform and guarantee a consistently positive shopping experience for your customers - regardless of channel, device or usage situation. 


E-Commerce Tools: Comercetools, Spryker, FirstSpirit, Novomind, Magnolia, Adobe Experience Manager und Scayle
E-Commerce Testing

The advantages 

Smartphone and screen icon

Scalable resources
We adapt the team size flexibly to your needs so that we can adapt to your QA challenges at any time. 

People are connected by lines Icons

Dedicated project teams 
We put together a team of experts who are dedicated exclusively to your project and thus build up in-depth knowledge. The team composition is variable. 

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Short onboarding  
In just a few days, we provide a tailor-made team that is quickly ready for action and quickly delivers initial results. 
Last- & Performance-Testing

Die optimale Einsatzzeit 

_Haken_circle_outline_redVor Produktionsstart
Lasttests stellen sicher, dass eine erwartete Last vom System bewältigt werden kann, bevor es live geschaltet wird.
_Haken_circle_outline_redVor Marketingkampagnen
Lasttests gewährleisten eine hohe Nutzerzufriedenheit, insbesondere bei erhöhtem Traffic durch Marketingkampagnen.
_Haken_circle_outline_redNach Anpassungen im Code oder der Software
Nach Änderungen im Produkt hilft ein Lasttest, um Auswirkungen auf die Leistung zu prüfen.
_Haken_circle_outline_redBei geplanten Spitzenzeiten
Vor Spitzenzeiten, z.B. bei Release oder während Kampagnen, sind Lasttests ein Indikator, um die gesteigerte Nachfrage ohne Leistungseinbußen zu bewältigen.

Ready to test your e-commerce platform?

Contact us for your individual QA solution that optimizes your online store and ensures the satisfaction of your users.

Someone buys online with a credit card