This is how we work - efficient QA processes for digital excellence Learn more

Appmatics in der Presse

Striving for #1 in Quality Assurance


What makes good app onboarding?

As soon as the new app is launched, a trend emerges: after only a few minutes, the majority of users turn away from the product again. The idea and execution are solid, after all the product is well received. So what ...


The advantages & disadvantages of Chat GPT

The rapid development of artificial intelligence has led to groundbreaking advances in the way we interact with technology. One particularly exciting innovation is Chat GPT, an advanced language model chatbot based on ...



Striving for #1 in Quality Assurance


Appmatics in den Medien

2020 30 Jun

Software-Testing durch Experten

Hilfe durch Experten bei Software-Entwicklungsprojekten

Large-Halle8_World of Agencies
2024 05 Sep

Event Name

Forem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vulputate libero et velit interdum
Large-Halle8_World of Agencies
2024 05 Sep

Event Name

Forem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vulputate libero et velit interdum
Large-Halle8_World of Agencies
2024 05 Sep

Event Name

Forem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vulputate libero et velit interdum

Appmatics in the media

July 2024
The dark side of design
HolyUX Insights: What are dark patterns and how can you recognize them?

unstoppable together podcast
July 2024
When did you test enough?
Podcast interview about sensible prioritization vs. perfectionism in technical teams
Unstoppable Podcast (Spotify)

June 2024
Dark Patterns: How design can deceive
Vortrag @Holy UX zum Thema Dark Patterns
Appmatics @HolyUX (YouTube)

Appmatics thumbnail_720x460
June 2024
3 basic rules: Accessibility testing
Three approaches to master the challenges of accessibility testing

qa tittle-tattle podcast episode 16
February 2024

Getting started barrier-free: Beginner's guide to accessibility testing
Podcast interview about accessibility testing
QA tittle-tattle Podcast (Spotify)

October 2023

Automation meets UX
Webinar about "Automation meets UX: Perfect Partners for Accessibility"
AgileTD Zone - Live Events (YouTube)

qa tittle-tattle podcast episode 20
October 2023

Overcoming barriers: Accessibility Testing  
Podcast Interview about best practices in accessibility testing.
QA tittle-tattle Podcast (Spotify)

July 2020

Software testing by experts
Help from experts for software development projects

June 2020

1st place in the Analytics/ Monitoring/ Testing category
Kress Ranking: The best specialised digital service providers for media
Kress Magazin

May 2020

Startups during the pandemic
About a startup that can't switch to working from home

photo-1533502452-f998d8b48414-1024x683November 2020
Trends for app business
The 5 trends for the app business in 2020 

May 2019
Interview with Appmatics founder Ayk
We rarely sat in the office late into the night

January 2019

Q&A session with Appmatics founder Ayk    
Heads of the mobile industry: Ayk Odabasyan from Appmatics

appmatics-app-testingJuli 2020
Software-Testing durch Experten
Hilfe durch Experten bei Software-Entwicklungsprojekten 

Artikel_kress_800pxJuni 2020
Platz 1 in der Kategorie Analytics/ Monitoring/ Testing
Kress Ranking: Die besten Digitalspezialdienstleister für Medien
Kress Magazin

ds-Appmatics_Odabasyan_Groebe-720x480Mai 2020
Startups während der Pandemie
Über ein Startup, das nicht ins Home Office wechseln kann

photo-1533502452-f998d8b48414-1024x683November 2020
Trends fürs App Business
Die 5 Trends für das App Business 2020 

006-20190719_ayk-christian-appmatics_kai-kienzle_0085-scaledMai 2019
Interview mit Appmatics Gründer Ayk
Wir haben selten bis in die Nacht im Office gesessen

Ayk-768x512Januar 2019
Fragerunde mit Appmatics Gründer Ayk  
Köpfe der Mobilbranche: Ayk Odabasyan von Appmatics

Press & Newsroom

In this section we provide relevant information and the latest news about Appmatics.  Do you have a press, image or interview request? Then get in touch with our press contact.

Press contakt:
Lisa-Eileen Stolpmann

VORLAGE - Recruting - Zitat


Logo_appmatics_weiss (2)


Bildmaterial & Logo

Image material for company news for free editorial use is available on individual request from our press contact.

The Appmatics company logo for free download.

About Appmatics

Appmatics is one of the leading testing service providers for manual in-house testing of mobile apps and websites with more than 2,500 app testings and 62 million satisfied users since its foundation in 2014. As an integral part of the development and further development process of our partners' projects, we take on the central tasks in the areas of function, usability and performance. We also support our clients in the development and implementation of their digital strategies. Our partners include leading brands and companies such as Aktion Mensch, DB, Duden, Heise Medien, Springer Fachmedien, TUI and WetterOnline.



Appmatics was founded by our Managing Directors Ayk Odabasyan (left) and Christian Groebe (right).

We are happy to answer your questions

Do you have an editorial request, content-related questions about the world of Appmatics, would you like to contact our management or talk to our experts? Then get in touch with our press contact directly.

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