Klett uses functional
Testing before release

Thanks to targeted testing of the new language learning trainer, the tight release schedule of two weeks could be adhered to.



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About Ernst Klett Verlag  

Ernst Klett Verlag is one of the leading providers of educational media in Germany and Europe. The family-run company offers a wide range of teaching and learning materials for all types of schools and educational levels.





  • Testing the new application for functionality and reliability
  • Extensive testing on various devices and browsers
  • Reporting with orientation for necessary adjustments 





  • Customized test report in bilingual version
  • Reporting with direct access to tickets including screenshots
  • Successful testing of the application under different variables (operating systems, internet quality, etc.)

The project 

_Liste-Zahnrad-Icon Kopie 3Project type
Functional Testing

_Weltkugel-Icon Kopie 3Industry

_Hand-Zahnrad-Icon Kopie 3Servicetyp
Manual testing

_Laptop-Haken-Icon Kopie 3QA-Services
Release Testing

_Liste-Zahnrad-Icon Kopie 3Projekttyp

_Hand-Zahnrad-Icon Kopie 3Servicetyp

_Laptop-Haken-Icon Kopie 3QA-Services
QA-Analyse, Maturity Assessment, Strategie & Maßnahmen-planung

_Cloud-Wolke-Icon Kopie 3Genutzte Plattformen
Jira, Confluence

_Weltkugel-Icon Kopie 3Branche


The newly developed application for improving pronunciation in the school subject French was to be tested for functionality shortly before the release. The results were therefore needed at very short notice in order to meet the release date. Pupils' equipment can vary greatly. This also had to be included in the QA process.



"I was very impressed by the reporting: extremely user-friendly, complete and at the same time to the point. The bilingualism was a clear advantage for us."

Cristina Espinosa-Arroyo
Editor Digital Products, Klett

Procedure and solution

This is how testing could take place in time before release:

1.) Planning

Firstly, we met with our partners from Ernst Klett Verlag to answer all the questions and define the requirements. For the project requirements, a suitable device pool was put together and a test group formed. 

2.) Implementation

Our testing team checked the pronunciation trainer against many variables, such as combinations of operating system and internet quality. In this case the manual tests could start without a test plan. 

3.) Comprehensive reporting

We created the customized test report in two languages. The comprehensive reporting and the direct view of the tickets (incl. linked media files) for viewing via our portal enabled a clear orientation for the adjustments in the development process, in time for the release date.




Thanks to the rapid implementation, we were able to fulfil Klett's requirements and meet the release date. 

_Haken_circle_outline_blueIllustration of the students through a high number of devices & realistic learning scenarios

_Haken_circle_outline_blueShort start-up time and quick start of testing

_Haken_circle_outline_blueFeedback in short response times 

_Haken_circle_outline_blueUser-friendly reporting in a bilingual version

Further case studies

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ZDF establishes combined test procedures in agile development

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Contact our team

Do you have questions about the project or your own QA challenge? Our team looks forward to hearing from you.